Cosmic Gaia

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Webinars ~ $44 a month

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Because of censorship, I will be posting short videos on Youtube and then will direct people to podcast and Rumble and Bitchute. Subsribers will have access to more content.

About Us

Laura Eisenhower is a Researcher, Author and Medical and Intuitive Astrologer.  She is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has presented her work world wide.  Laura is the great-granddaughter of President Dwight David Eisenhower and she reveals Exopolitical information about his administration, that has been largely held in secrecy. She is considered by many to be one of North Americas leading researchers and experts on: Health,  Exopolitics, Alchemy, Metaphysics, Astrology and Galactic History.

Cosmic Gaia Community Channel

Join our Youtube Channel for roundtables, discussion, guided meditations and life changing products and where to find our censorship free platforms! 

Cosmic Mother Rising Show

Join Laura Eisenhower and Rising Phoenix Aurora Monthly!  Click picture to find out more about her services and subscribe to our Rumble! 

Divine Mother Earth Time

Join Laura Eisenhower and Marisa Acocella!  

Rebel Collective

This is the Rumble link for this show

Life Wave!!!
Heal your body and reverse your aging process with Lifewave’s X39 Stem Cell Activation Patch!!  This unique light frequency healing technology elevates a copper peptide that activates your body’s own stem cells and resets over 4000 genes to a younger healthier state!! 
Medicinal Foods
Plus, you can use coupon code: COSMICGAIA to receive 10% off your order! These are some of the highest quality, tastiest superfoods on Earth. Coupon codes are for Cosmic Gaia subscribers.
Ascent Nutrition
Premium nutritional supplements to support your ascent to optimal health
Touchstone Essentials
This is one of my favorite products. Check out the ingredients and you will see!
Life Wave!!!
Heal your body and reverse your aging process with Lifewave’s X39 Stem Cell Activation Patch!!  This unique light frequency healing technology elevates a copper peptide that activates your body’s own stem cells and resets over 4000 genes to a younger healthier state!! 
Medicinal Foods
Plus, you can use coupon code: COSMICGAIA to receive 10% off your order! These are some of the highest quality, tastiest superfoods on Earth. Coupon codes are for Cosmic Gaia subscribers.
Ascent Nutrition
Premium nutritional supplements to support your ascent to optimal health
Touchstone Essentials
This is one of my favorite products. Check out the ingredients and you will see!
FTW Project

Fix the World Project Maroc S.A.R.L. specializes in handmade home decor products for EMF protection as well as online alternative energy technology education. We are American engineers living and working in Morocco.

About the Readings

Important to READ

I do Soul-Centered and Intuitive Astrology readings and I specialize in Soul path, physical health, clearing negative patterns, Sacred Union and relationship issues. I also do locational Astrology (Astrocartography) and can help you discover the significance of where you live or might want to re-locate and Medical and Herbal Astrology, where I can also recommend herbs and supplements and see the deeper roots of health issues. I look at a number of different charts including Synastry, Composite, and a Heliocentric chart and I do transits and progressions. I have been doing readings for more than 20 years and I also work with the Mother Peace Tarot deck and the Galactic Heritage deck, to help one to understand their origins and greater divine purpose.

NEW products

$30 Monthly Subscription

This is For Current Subscribers!

Monthly Webinars

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Life Wave!!!

Heal your body and reverse your aging process with Lifewave’s X39 Stem Cell Activation Patch!! This unique light frequency healing technology elevates a copper peptide that activates your body’s own stem cells and resets over 4000 genes to a younger healthier state!!

Amazing Supplements

This is an amazing company! I use these supplements and they are very potent and effective. It is worth checking out the interviews I have done with the CEO Lance Shuttler! Check out products page for more! Like EMF protection!


Check out this great video about Lifewave Patches with Dr. Nicholas!


My global work has been about opening Natural Stargates and assisting in the activation of the 13th gate (location Ayers Rock/Uluru, Australia), through consciously being a part of the grounding of the Mother Arc energies into the Earth core, which has not been available to us for quite some time. This involves going into great darkness and trials and tribulations, a deep Underworld journey, which is connected to the Venus transits. The Mayans understood this in relation to the prophecies surrounding the year 2012.
There has been great opposition, Timeline manipulation and hidden agendas that use dark technologies and operations to stop this. The lengths that certain hostile beings have gone to, to keep us compromised and enslaved, is more than most people can handle hearing about. What it takes to keep these agendas in tact are criminal and in violation of basic human rights. This is a time of Disclosure and my piece has to do with exposing an attempted recruitment I went through, to go off planet to a Mars Colony in 2006 and also in revealing the energies and Galactic History of the Great Cosmic and Earth Mother, who is supporting our growth as we heal, activate and transform together – into the Crystalline Silicate Matrix.
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